Figure 7. Relative Aβ and AβPP in bovine aqueous and vitreous humors.
Vitreous (VIT) and Aqueous (AQE) humor levels of sAPPα (Relative band intensity) were determined by densitometry of Western blots (n=3). Aβ40 and Aβ42 levels (pM) were determined by ELISA after subtracting the background from peptide competition assays as described in the Materials and Methods section. The average Aβ levels are shown inside the bars (x 1000 pM). Note that when compared to the vitreous humor, 39–47% of Aβ40 (P=0.006) and Aβ42 (P=0.05) were recovered in the aqueous humor, but sAPPα levels drop precipitously by over 99% (P=0.004).