Fig 4.
Alterations in brain activation over time (3-back > 0-back contrast). (A) Brain activation decrease in patients with breast cancer treated with chemotherapy (CTx positive) from baseline to 1 month after chemotherapy completion (M1) with return to baseline levels of hyperactivation at 1 year after M1 visit (Y1), displayed over atlas template. (B) Activation pattern at left frontal peak displayed in (A) shown graphically for all groups at all time-points (MNI coordinates −38, 44, 6; cluster means extracted by using MarsBaR version 0.4246). These frontal changes in CTx-positive patients overlapped with regions of gray matter change following the same pattern of change over time13 as illustrated in (C), in which brain activation change is shown in yellow, gray matter change is shown in blue, and the intersection of activation and gray matter change is shown in green (displayed by using MRIcroGL []; Pcrit [voxel-wise critical significance threshold] = .001; cluster extent [k] = 10). CTx negative, not treated with chemotherapy; HC, healthy control.