The structure of anaTic22. A, the topology diagram of anaTic22 is shown, indicating the general fold and its symmetry. B, the anaTic22 structure contains two domains with a central β-sheet of five β-strands (yellow and red) and helices α1 (light green), α2 (turquoise), and α3 (blue). Elements of domain A and unique elements in domain B are labeled. C, surface representation, rotated by 90° with respect to A shows the electrostatic potential of the solvent accessible surface (kJ/mol) of anaTic22 calculated considering implicit solvent and counter ions (54). D, the average hydrophobicity (55) of each column in the alignment of cyanobacterial Tic22 proteins (supplemental Table S3) is shown on the molecular surface with coloring from 4.5 (Ile, dark green) to −0.4 (Gly, yellow), and positions more hydrophilic (<−0.4; gray). Solvent molecules are shown as sticks.