ccd56 knock-out flies exhibit an isolated complex IV enzyme deficiency. A, respiratory chain enzyme activities (complexes I, II, III, and IV) and citrate synthase activity were measured in mitochondrial extracts obtained from control and ccdc56 knock-out third instar larvae 15 days AEL. Both mutant alleles showed a severe decrease in complex IV enzyme activity. B, quantification of relative mtDNA levels by qRT-PCR using ND5 and COXI as mitochondrial gene probes and 18 S rRNA as a nuclear gene probe from control, ccdc56D6/D6, and ccdc56D11/D11 third instar larvae 15 days AEL. C, steady-state expression levels of representative genes from polycistronic transcripts from mitochondrial RNA were measured by qRT-PCR from ccdc56D6/D6 and ccdc56D11/D11 third instar larvae 15 days AEL and are shown relative to the levels found in control larvae after normalization to 18 S rRNA levels. CONTROL, genotype w1118; D6/D6, ccdc56D6/D6; D11/D11, ccdc56D11/D11. Data shown in A, B, and C represent the mean ± S.E. of at least three independent determinations (*, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001; analysis of variance). CYTB, cytochrome b.