Retinol and retinal were distinguished by exciting mouse rod photoreceptors with 340 nm (top rows of fluorescence images) and 380 nm (bottom rows) light. Fluorescence emission was collected for >420 nm. IR, infrared images. For each top and bottom pair, the images are shown at the same intensity scaling. All bars are 5 μm. A, fluorescence images 15 min after the addition of 50 μm retinol or retinal. B, fluorescence images 30 min after bleaching of Rdh12−/−, Rdh8−/−, and Rdh8−/−;Rdh12−/− cells. All of the experiments were done at 37 °C. The reason the Rdh8−/− image acquired with 340-nm excitation appears brighter is the higher intensity value of the background compared with the intensity of the background in the 380-nm excitation image; both images are displayed with the same offset.