Down-regulation of Rap1 expression inhibits epinephrine-induced WPB release. A HUVECs were transfected with a control siRNA SMARTpool (siCTRL) or an siRNA SMARTpool targeting Rap1a and Rap1b (siRap1a + siRap1b). Western blot analysis 72 h post-transfection showed down-regulation of Rap1 expression. Levels of α-tubulin are shown as a protein loading control. B, control siRNA and Rap1 siRNA (siRap1a + siRap1b)-treated HUVECs were incubated for 60 min with SF medium (−), supplemented with 1 μm Me-cAMP-AM (Me), 1 μm 6-Bnz-cAMP-AM (Bnz), 10 μm epinephrine and 100 μm IBMX (Epi), 10 μm forskolin and 100 μm IBMX (Fsk), or 1 unit/ml thrombin (Thr). The amount of VWF released is expressed as percentage relative to the amount of VWF released in the absence of a stimulus. (n = 3; ***, p < 0.001; **, p < 0.01; by two-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni post hoc test for selected comparison.) Error bars show S.E.