Figure 2. The effect on PEV of the wm4 allele by JIL-1 hypomorphic alleles or by expression of the CTD or the ΔCTD. Examples of the degree of PEV in the eyes of (A) wild-type flies, (B) wm4 flies, (C) wm4 flies expressing the ΔCTD, (D) wm4; JIL-1z2/+ flies, (E) wm4; JIL-1z2/ JIL-1z60 flies and (F) wm4 flies expressing the CTD. All pictures are from male flies. PEV of the wm4 allele in the strong hypomorphic JIL-1z2/ JIL-1z60 background is shown in (E) because JIL-1z2/ JIL-1z2 null mutant backgrounds have no adult escapers.