Figure 1. Agar plate (“spot”) assays for atl1-, NER- and HR - deficient mutants after treatment with MNNG, ENU, BNNG and BzNU.
(A) Sensitivity of WT strain (GM1) and single deletants of rhp7 (GM56), rhp23 (GM50), rhp14 (GM25), rhp26 (GM51), swi10 (OL455) and rad50 (GM11)
(B) Sensitivity of atl1 single (GM3) and the double deletants: atl1 rhp7 (GM61), atl1 rhp23 (GM100), atl1 rhp14 (GM32), atl1 rhp26 (GM60), atl1 swi10 (GM48) and atl1 rad50 (GM+15). See also Figure S1.