Table 1.
Publications examining predictors of fistula repair outcomesin developing country settings
Author, Year |
Study Design |
Population | Sample size |
Outcome definition | Exposures of interest | Analytic approacha |
Kirschner et al., 201019 |
Retrospective record review |
Patients with vesicovaginal fistula; where unit of analysis was individual patient, analyses were restricted to women undergoing first repair |
1084 records from 926 patients |
Continence (dry vs wet), assessed at time of discharge |
Patient characteristics (age at surgery, education, parity, number of living children, literacy, language group and marital status), clinical data (cause of fistula and number of previous surgeries) and surgical data (type/location of fistula, degree of fibrosis, surgical approach, and procedures performed) |
Independent sample t-tests and Chi-square tests GEE bivariate and multivariate regression. Multivariate models adjusted for confounding by days in labor, number of living children, marital status, months with fistula and place of delivery |
Muleta et al., 201024 |
RCT | Patients with obstetric fistula undergoing first repair |
722 patients |
Fistula closure, assessed after catheter removal and prior to discharge |
Single-dose Gentamycin vs. extended antibiotic use. Extended antibiotic use included any one or combination of Amoxicillin (500mg IV and oral 6 hourly), chloramphenicol (500mg IV and oral 6 hourly), or co-trimexazole (800mg orally every 12 hours) for 7 days |
Chi-square, risk difference |
Nardos et al., 200917 |
Retrospective record review |
Patients with obstetric vesicovaginal fistula undergoing first repairs via vaginal route |
1045 patients |
Fistula closureb, assessed after catheter removal and prior to discharge |
Extent of urethral destruction, circumferential damage, extent of scarring, residual bladder size, repair technique (single vs double layer closure) |
Logistic bivariate and multivariate regression |
Lewis et al. 20099 |
Retrospective record review |
Patients with genitourinary fistula |
505 records from 435 patients |
Continence (dry vs. wet), assessed via subjective appraisal after catheter removal and prior to discharge |
Patient demographics (age), obstetric history (index pregnancy), and fistula parameters (number of prior repairs, fistula type, site and size, degree of fibrosis, and urethral status |
Chi-square and Wilcoxon rank sum test; bivariate analyses stratified by primary vs. subsequent repair GEE multivariate regression |
Olusegun et al. 200915 |
Retrospective record review |
Patients with vesicovaginal fistula |
37 patients | Continence (dry vs. wet) at discharge (personal communication H. Onah, July 2011) |
Duration of fistula before repair | Chi-square |
Safan et al. 200925 |
RCT | Patients with complicated fistula (defined as recurrence, local moderate to severe fibrosis, fistula location involving the bladder neck, and or size of the fistula being more than 1.5 cm in largest diameter) |
38 patients | Continence (dry vs. wet), assessed at three months follow-up |
Primary exposures were fibrin glue vs martius flap as interpositioning layer. Also examined parity, patient age, attempts of previous repairs, fistula size, and fistula location |
Chi-square or Fisher’s Exact tests |
Goh et al. 20086 |
Prospective | Patients with genitourinary fistula (women with rectovaginal fistula only or no bladder tissue excluded) |
987 patients |
Fistula closure and residual urinary incontinence following successful closure, assessed after catheter removal and prior to discharge |
Components of Goh’s classification system: Fistula type (characterized by distance of fistula from external urinary meatus), size, “special considerations” (extent of fibrosis and vaginal length, and special circumstances such as previous repair, ureteric involvement, etc) |
Chi-square test and logistic multivariate regression (residual incontinence only) |
Morhason- Bello et al. 200820 |
Retrospective record review |
Patients with midvaginal fistulas with no fibrosis, evidence of infection, urethral or bladder neck involvement and more than one previous repair attempt |
71 patients | Continence three months following surgery |
Abdominal versus vaginal route of repair |
Fisher’s exact test |
Nardos et al. 200813 |
Retrospective record review |
Patients with obstetric fistula (women with rectovaginal fistula only excluded) |
212 patients |
Fistula closure and residual incontinence, assessed after catheter removal and prior to discharge (differences at 6- month follow-up not tested) |
3 duration of catheterization groups: 10 days (group 1), 12 days (group 2), and 14 days (group 3) |
Unspecified (chi-square assumed); bivariate analyses stratified by components of Goh classification system |
Raassen et al. 20087 |
Prospective | Patients with obstetric fistula undergoing first- time repair |
581 patients |
Fistula closure assessed via dye test prior to catheter removal (14-21 days following surgery) and residual urinary incontinence following successful closure assessed after catheter removal prior to discharge |
Patient characteristics (age and duration of leakage) and components of Waaldijk classification system (type of fistula characterized by extent of involvement of closing mechanism and presence of circumferential defect, exceptional fistulas and size) |
Chi-square and Fisher’s Exact tests and logistic multivariate regression (closure only) |
Holme et al. 20078 |
Retrospective record review |
Patients with obstetric fistula |
259 patients |
Closure, not closed, residual incontinence; time period unspecified |
Scarring | Spearman correlation |
Browning 200611 |
Retrospective record review |
Patients with obstetric fistula (women with rectovaginal fistula only excluded) |
413 repairs | Fistula closure assessed via dye test prior to catheter removal (14-21 days following surgery) and residual urinary incontinence following successful closure assessed after catheter removal prior to discharge |
Martius graft | Fisher’s Exact test or Chi-Square with continuity correction; bivariate analyses stratified by components of Goh classification system and other fistula characteristics |
Browning 200618 |
Retrospective record review |
Patients with obstetric fistula (women with breakdown of repair, lack of bladder tissue and rectovaginal fistula only excluded) |
481 women | Residual incontinence following fistula closure, assessed following catheter removal and prior to discharge |
Urethral involvement, repeat surgery, size of fistula, size of bladder, location of ureter, scarring, flap required, presence of rvf, number of vvf, age, parity, duration labor, time since delivery, diameter of fistula, delivery method and outcome of delivery |
T-test, Mann-Whitney U test, and logistic multivariate regression |
Chigbu et al. 200612 |
Retrospective record review |
Patients with juxtacervical vesicovaginal fistula |
78 women | Fistula closure at either 6 weeks or 3 months (personal communication H. Onah, July 2011) |
Route of repair (vaginal vs. abdominal) |
T-tests and Chi-square tests |
Melah et al. 200610 |
Retrospective record review |
Patients with vesicovaginal fistula |
80 women | Fistula closure and residual incontinence following closure; time period of assessment unspecified |
Early (less than 3 months) vs. late (after 3 months) closure |
Chi-square |
Kriplani et al. 200516 |
Retrospective record review |
Patients with genital fistula (radiation fistulas excluded) |
34 women | Continence following catheter removal |
Age, parity, duration of fistula, route of repair, etiology |
Levene’s test of equality of variances and Chi square with Yates correction |
Murray et al. 200221 |
Retrospective record review |
Patients with obstetric fistula |
55 women | Residual incontinence following fistula closure, assessed between four weeks and three months following repair |
Mean fistula diameter | Wilcoxon signed rank sum test |
Rangnekar et al. 200014 |
Retrospective record review |
Patients with urinary-vaginal fistulas (excluded fistulas situated high on the posterior wall of the bladder and fistulas greater than 1.5cm in size) |
46 women | Fistula closure assessed via dye test prior to catheter removal and residual incontinence following closure, assessed with urodynamic test 3 weeks postoperatively. |
Martius flap repair | Fisher’s exact test |
Tomlinson and Thornton 199823 |
RCT | Patients with obstetric vesico- vaginal fistula |
79 women | Fistula closure and continued incontinence (positive pad test) at hospital discharge. |
500 mg ampicillin | Mann-Whitney (non-parametric tests) |
Bland and Gelfand 197022 |
Prospective | Patients with vesicovaginal fistula |
60 women | Closed fistula 6 weeks after repair |
Urinary bilharziasis defined by presence of ova on bladder biosopsy or urine examination or rectal snip |
Chi square with Yates correction |
Only the analytic approach for the outcome of interest is reported
Unless otherwise specified, fistula closure was assessed using dye test if the patient reported urine leakage