Business |
Bulleted items are not presented individually, growing the list from the top to the bottom |
0.97 |
More than four bulleted items appear in a single list |
0.97 |
Hierarchical organization of lists is not used, with no more than four items at each level |
0.94 |
More than two lines are used per bulleted sentence |
0.81 |
All uppercase, all italics, or all bold typefaces are used |
0.78 |
Research |
Bulleted items are not presented individually, growing the list from the top to the bottom |
1.00 |
More than two lines are used per bulleted sentence |
1.00 |
More than four bulleted items appear in a single list |
0.85 |
Hierarchical organization of lists is not used, with no more than four items at each level |
0.81 |
Words are not large enough (i.e., greater than 20 point) to be easily read |
0.70 |
Visual or auditory characteristics change even when they do not signal a change in information |
0.70 |
Government |
Bulleted items are not presented individually, growing the list from the top to the bottom |
0.95 |
All uppercase, all italics, or all bold typefaces are used |
0.95 |
More than two lines are used per bulleted sentence |
0.95 |
More than four bulleted items appear in a single list |
0.95 |
Hierarchical organization of lists is not used, with no more than four items at each level |
0.90 |
Education |
Bulleted items are not presented individually, growing the list from the top to the bottom |
0.89 |
More than two lines are used per bulleted sentence |
0.89 |
More than four bulleted items appear in a single list |
0.89 |
Visual or auditory characteristics change even when they do not signal a change in information |
0.84 |
All uppercase, all italics, or all bold typefaces are used |
0.82 |
Hierarchical organization of lists is not used, with no more than four items at each level |
0.82 |
Miscellaneous |
Bulleted items are not presented individually, growing the list from the top to the bottom |
1.00 |
More than two lines are used per bulleted sentence |
0.96 |
More than four bulleted items appear in a single list |
0.91 |
All uppercase, all italics, or all bold typefaces are used |
0.87 |
Hierarchical organization of lists is not used, with no more than four items at each level |
0.83 |