Expression of transforming growth factor-beta-induced-gene protein (TGFBIp) in ten different normal corneal fibroblasts (NCF). A, B: western blots show evidence of differential expression of TGFBIp in cultured NCF-1 (37 year-old man), NCF-2 (62 year-old man), NCF-3 (20 year-old woman), NCF-4 (46 year-old man), NCF-5 (29 year-old man), NCF-6 (60 year-old man), NCF-7 (man with unknown-age), NCF-8 (woman with unknown-age), NCF-9 (69 year-old woman), NCF-10 (81 year-old man) from normal donor corneas. In the second experiment, NCF-4 was reloaded for a comparison of the two separate experiments. C, D: Relative density of TGFBIp expression of A and B, respectively. Relative density of NCF-4 was adjusted to 100% in both C and D for a comparison of the densities of normal corneal fibroblasts in two separate experiments. Blots containing 50 μg total protein from normal corneal fibroblasts were incubated with anti-TGFBIp antibody. TGFBIp expression was assayed using anti-TGFBIp polyclonal goat antibodies. β-actin has been used as a control for equal loading. Numbers on the right correspond to the molecular weight markers in kilodaltons (kDa).