Figure 1. Functional classification of hyperacetylated proteins in the livers of HFD-fed mice.
C57BL/6 SVJ mice were fed on either CH or an HFD (45 % fat) for 16 weeks and starved overnight before sample extraction (see details in the Experimental section; n = 3 per group). Lysine-acetylated liver proteins were immunoprecipitated from mitochondrial/nuclear extracts. (A) Proteins were separated by one-dimensional SDS/PAGE (10 % gel) and visualized with fluorescence staining (see Experimental section). Proteins from differentially stained bands were excised, digested and identified by MS/MS and database searching. The molecular mass in kDa is shown. (B) The functional classification of 35 high-scoring proteins of interest identified via MS across a variety of important metabolic pathways. Proteins were selected and separated into functional groups based on information contained in the UniProtKB database.