Figure 8.
Enhanced Resistance of PR10- and LRR1/PR10-OX Transgenic Arabidopsis Plants to Pst Infection.
(A) Disease symptoms on leaves 72 h after inoculation.
(B) Bacterial growth in the leaves of wild-type and transgenic plants.
(C) Micrographs of the leaves stained with trypan blue (left) 24 h after infiltration and quantification of electrolyte leakage (right) from leaf discs. Bars = 500 μm.
(D) Micrographs of the leaves stained with DAB (left) 24 h after inoculation and intensity of the reddish color from DAB images (right) to assess H2O2 production. Bars = 500 μm.
(B) to (D) Data represent the means ± sd from three independent experiments. Different letters indicate significant differences, as statistically analyzed by Fisher’s protected LSD test (P < 0.05).