Figure 3.
TrkB and Capzb2 mRNAs remain upregulated in dementia. (A–C) In dementia cases ((Braak and Braak [BB] stages II–IV), as opposed to subjects with no dementia (BBI–II), the average TrkB mRNA expression is not significantly increased when compared to controls (BB0); however, there is a trend towards upregulation (lower ΔCT values) (A). Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA expression in cases BBI–II (no dementia) and BBII–IV (dementia) is similar to BB0 subjects (controls) (B). Both BBI–II subjects with no dementia (1–4) and BBII–IV dementia cases (BVAX5–7; MADRC1) show significantly increased mRNA expression (lower ΔCT values) for Capzb2 compared to control subjects (BM1–4); *p < 0.05, One-Way ANOVA (C). Calculations for ΔCT were made by subtracting the average CT for housekeeping gene 18SrRNA from average CT from gene of interest. (D) Fold-increases of mean mRNA expression of TrkB (5.7-fold increase in No Dementia / BBI–II group, and 5.6-fold increase in Dementia / BBII–IV group) and Capzb2 (9.4-fold increase in No Dementia / BBI–II group, and 7.5-fold increase in Dementia / BBII–IV group) vs. controls. CT = cycle threshold.