Anti-dopamine D1 and D2 receptor membrane antigen antibodies in SC and PANDAS. (a, c)
Antibodies (IgG) in sera from SC (n=8) and PANDAS
(n=27), but not attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD,
n=5) or healthy controls (n=19), were significantly
elevated against dopamine D1 (a) and D2 (c) receptor membrane antigens. Inset of a
western blot in the graphs in (a) and (c) confirm IgG reactivity of PANDAS sera with
purified human D1 and D2 dopamine receptor membrane antigen (50/51 kD) but
not IgG in sera from healthy controls as shown as negative in the western blot. PANDAS
sera used in the western blots had elevated antibody titers against D1/D2 membrane
receptors (⩾8000) in the ELISA, whereas healthy controls had lower titers of
antibody for D1 (500) or for D2 (2000) receptors. (b, d) Antibodies (IgG) in sera from
three PANDAS patients were elevated against dopamine D1 (b) and D2 (d) receptor membrane
antigens during active symptoms and were decreased during convalescence.