Figure 4.
Infusion of Scop into IL before extinction training blocked extinction recall 24-h later. (a) Diagram showing the location of the cannula tips in IL for the Veh- (empty circles) and Scop- (black diamonds) infused animals. (b) Freezing to the tone for Veh-infused rats (n=10) and rats infused with Scop (10 μg/0.5 μl, n=11). Scop-infused rats showed higher fear compared with Veh rats on day 3, indicating impaired recall of extinction memory. Arrow indicates the time of the infusion. (c) Freezing to the tone for Veh-infused rats (n=10) and a subset of Scop-infused rats (n=7) that showed similar levels of freezing as Veh animals on day 2. Scop-infused rats showed higher fear compared with Veh rats on day 3, indicating impaired recall of extinction memory. Arrow indicates the time of the infusion. *p<0.05.