RNA Polymerase II Pausing in Naive ES Cells
(A) Averaged Pol II at promoters of Myc-targets upregulated in serum. The top corner values represent the average log2-fold difference of the individual data points, and the variance, between 2i and serum.
(B) Pol II traveling ratio (a quantification of pause release) of the Myc targets upregulated in serum.
(C) Typical examples of two Myc target genes showing pause release of Pol II.
(D) Percentage of Myc targets among all genes (left) or among the genes higher (>2-fold change) in serum or 2i (right).
(E) Averaged profiles of the promoter region of genes that are more highly expressed in 2i (left) or serum (right).
(F) Averaged Pol II profiles for the same gene groups as in (E).
See also Figure S7.