Figure 3. There is a synergistic effect between HOXA9T and HOXA9 in cell transformation.
Colony-forming and replating assays of mouse normal bone marrow progenitor cells transduced with MSCV-PIG+MSCVneo (i.e. control), HOXA9T_MSCV-PIG+MSCVneo (i.e. HOXA9T), HOXA9_MSCV-PIG+MSCVneo (i.e. HOXA9) or HOXA9T_MSCV-PIG+HOXA9_MSCVneo (i.e. HOXA9T+ HOXA9). Duplicates were plated for each combination with 1×104 cells per dish, and every 7 days the cells were replated for up to three passages. Two independent experiments were conducted. Mean±SD values are shown. *, P<0.05, two-tailed t-test. (A) Average numbers of colonies per dish (≥ 50 cells/colony; 1×104 input cells) standard deviation of different passages (I, II and III) are shown. (B) Average cell numbers per dish and standard deviation values are shown. (C) Morphology of colony cells of the secondary passage. Cells were stained with Wright-Giemsa. Scale bars represent 10 μm.