What are the needs to address? GTO Step #1 provides information about conducting an assets-based needs assessment
What are the goals & objectives? GTO Step #2 has worksheets for creating measurable goals & objectives that focus on building assets among youth
Which evidence-based programs can be useful in reaching the goals? GTO Step #3 overviews the importance of using evidence-based programming, that successfully build assets
What actions need to be taken so the selected program fits the community context? GTO Step #4 prompts readers to reduce duplication and facilitate collaboration with other asset-promoting efforts
What capacity is needed for the program? GTO Step #5 prompts readers to ensure there is sufficient organizational capacity to conduct the program
What is the plan for this program? GTO Step #6 presents information and tools to plan activities
How will implementation be assessed? GTO Step #7 provides information/tools to do process evaluation
How well did the program work? GTO Step #8 presents information/tools to do outcome evaluation
How will CQI strategies be incorporated? GTO Step #9 prompts practitioners to reassess Accountability Questions 1–8 after completing the program to improve the program
If the program is successful, how will it be sustained? GTO Step #10 presents several ideas to consider when attempting to sustain an effective program