Table 3.
Functions, measures, and feedback mechanisms utilized by the AGTO Project within each ISF system
ISF systems | Functions and feedback mechanisms |
Prevention delivery system | Plan, implement, and evaluate Assets-based programs using GTO 10 steps |
Provides feedback to support system a |
Postcard survey of prevention practitioners satisfaction
Post-training evaluation survey |
Prevention support system | Deliver annual AGTO training for prevention practitioners Provide bi-weekly technical assistance to prevention practitioners Conduct quarterly in-person meetings with practitioners to review program progress and plan activities for the next quarter Provide ongoing support to TA providers across AGTO model Provide monthly professional development training to TA providers (logic modeling, process and outcome evaluation, continuous quality improvement) Conduct quarterly in-person meetings with TA providers to review program progress and plan activities for the next quarter |
Provides feedback to synthesis and
translation system |
TA monitoring form housed on a shared website
Weekly phone conference with TA providers Weekly phone conference with project leadership team |
Prevention synthesis and translation system |
Create a repository of process and outcome evaluation measures that could be used by programs Create detailed discussion guides that contained key questions and tips for TA providers and for practitioners to utilize as they implemented GTO steps 7 (Process Evaluation), 8 (Outcome Evaluation), and 9 (Continuous Quality Improvement) |
Provides feedback to support and
delivery systems |
Weekly phone conference with project leadership team to discuss project measures, including
evaluation design and analysis for individual programs Bi-monthly meetings of the Community Research Workgroup |
Italicized text refers to measures and processes by which feedback has been provided to other systems within the ISF