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. 2011 Dec;7(Spec Issue):139–153.


Summary of management continuity subscale content and distribution of item responses. (Detailed distribution available at

Subscale and Item Description Response Scale Range Missing Values Overall Modal Response Range Item Discriminability Comments on Distribution
PCAS Integration (6 items)
When your doctor recommends a different doctor for a specific problem, Rate: Help deciding who to see; help in getting an appointment; involvement of doctor while being treated by a specialist; communication with specialists; help understanding what other said; quality of specialist.
Likert evaluative, 1=very poor to 6=excellent 1%–4% 4–5 (good to very good) 1.85 (quality) to 4.89 (communication) Only 5%–11% in the two most negative categories
PCAT-S Coordination (4 items)
Likelihood that primary care provider: Discussed alternatives for places to seek care; helped make the appointment; wrote information about the reason for the visit; talked about what happened at the visit.
Likert evaluative, 1=definitely not to 4=definitely 2%–3% (true missing) 3%–6% not sure 4 (definitely) 1.23 (alternatives) to 2.33 (information) Over 52% of responses in the most positive category. Few missing values (True or Not sure)
CPCI Coordination of Care (8 items)
Agreement with statements about regular doctor: Positive statements – This doctor: knows when I'm due for a check-up; coordinates all care; keeps track; follows up on a problem; follows up on visits to other providers; helps interpret tests or visits Negative statement – This doctor: does not always know about care received at other places
Semantic differential opinion, 1=strongly disagree, 6=strongly agree 1%– % (true missing) 0%–4% not sure 6 (strongly agree) 0.32 (negative statement) to 4.14 (keeping track) Most responses (22%–62% in the most positive category; “help interpret tests” seems to have U distribution
VANOCSS Overall Coordination of Care (6 items)
Frequency of different providers: Being familiar with recent medical history; not knowing about tests or their results; not knowing about changes in your treatment Frequency of patient: Being confused because of different information; knowing next steps; knowing who to ask for questions about care
3–4 point frequency categories scored as problem/no problem 0%–3% n/a 1.44 (next steps) to 2.81 (tests) Two items with 59% presence of a problem (being familiar with recent medical history and next steps). Others had 26%–40% presence of a problem
VANOCSS Access to Specialists (4 items) Frequency of issues getting care from specialists: Access when needed; difficulty with getting an appointment; given information about who to see and why; specialists had information needed from medical record 3–4 point frequency categories scored as problem/no problem 1%–2% 0.42 (appointment) to 2.68 (information needed) 11%–20% reporting presence of a problem