Figure 3. Reprogramming efficiency from somatic cells at different developmental stages.
(A) Nanog immunostaining of 2nd iPS colonies derived from MEF (2000 cells), NB fb (2000 cells), 1wk fb (5000 cells) and Adult fb (10000 cells). Each cell were seeded on a feeder layer and cultured in the presence of Dox for two weeks. (B) Reprogramming efficiency of fibroblasts (MEF, NB fb, 1wk fb and Adult fb) *p<0.05 (left panel), hematopoietic cells (FL CD45, HSC, HPC, MP and Mac) *p<0.05 (middle panel) and liver cells (Fetal hep and Adult hep) *p<0.01 (right panel) were analyzed by dividing seeded cell number by the number of Nanog positive colonies. (C) Cell proliferation rate of fibroblasts (MEF, NB fb, 1wk fb and Adult fb) at three, four and five days after seeded in the absence of Dox (left) and in the presence of Dox (right).