Table 1. Attributes of the taxonomic sample used in the current study.
Genus | Species | Museum | Locomotor Category | Demographics | Estimated Body Mass (kg) |
Alouatta | caraya | AMNH | arboreal quadruped, climber | M: 4, F: 9 | 5.79 (0.96)a |
Homo | sapiens | PSU | biped | M: 10, F: 10 | 60.86 (6.41) b |
Macaca | fascicularis | MCZ | arboreal quadruped | I:19 | 4.07 (0.92) c |
Pan | troglodytes, verus, schweinfurthii | AMNH | terrestrial quadruped, climber | M: 11, F: 4, I: 2 | 50.13 (10.22) d |
Papio | anubis, cynocephalus, hamadryas, ursinus | AMNH,NMNH | terrestrial quadruped | M: 2, F: 4, I: 5 | 18.25 (4.72) c |
Pongo | pygmaeus, abelii | NMNH | quadrumanous, climber | M: 5, F: 2 | 65.70 (21.50) e |
Trachypithecus | cristatus | MCZ | arboreal quadruped | I: 21 | 5.92 (0.80) f |
Symphalangus | syndactylus | NMNH | brachiator | M: 3, F: 4 | 10.77 (2.48) e |
Length and body mass data presented as: mean (standard deviation).
NMNH: National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Museum), Washington, USA; American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA; PSU: Norris Farms Collection, Pennsylvania State University, Department of Anthropology, MCZ: Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University.
M: Male, F: Female, I: Indeterminate.
Body Mass Estimation Equations:
Haplorhine: 2.729*LN(FemHeadSI)+1.42) (SEE = 0.239) [66].
Female: (2.426*FemHeadAP-35.1)*0.9 (SEE = 17.5); Male: (2.741*FemHeadAP-54.9)*0.9 (SEE = 13.7) [68].
Cercopithecine: (2.389*LN(FemHeadSI)-4.541))*1.014 (SEE = 0.1670) [67].
All hominoids: (3.019*LN(FemHeadSI)-6.668))*1.006 (SEE = 0.1137) [67].
Asian ape: (3.024*LN(FemHeadSI)-6.718))*1.008 (SEE = 0.1309) [67].
Colobines: (2.424*LN(FemHeadSI)-4.684))*1.01 (SEE = 0.1385) [67].