Biochemical markers of bone formation increase in hypoparathyroid subjects treated with hPTH 1-34 replacement therapy for 18 months. P-values determined by repeated measures ANOVA. Normal values are as follows: Osteocalcin (OC), 9-40 ng/mL (adults); Bone-specific Alkaline Phosphatase (BSAP), 0-14 mcg/L (premenopausal women); Collagen cross-linked N-telopeptide (NTX), 102 -1048 nmol/mmol Cr (14-18 y/o male), 55-378 nmol/mmol Cr (14-18 y/o female), 19-63 nmol/mmol Cr (adult females); Pyridinoline (PD), 42-200 nmol/mmol Cr (15-17 y/o), 22.1-88.9 nmol/mmol Cr (adult females); Deoxypyridinoline (DPD), < 58.7 nmol/mmol Cr (15-17 y/o), 4.4-21.1 nmol/mmol Cr (adult females). See Table 1 for key to subject symbols.