Validation of BACE1 substrates in brain extracts of adult P60 wild-type and BACE1 knock-out mice. (A) P60 wt and BACE1 knock-out brains were separated into a soluble (DEA) and a membrane fraction (Lys), containing the soluble proteins (DEA) and the membrane proteins (Lys), respectively, and analysed for Sez6, L1, CHL1, contactin-2 and the APP family. In contrast to Figure 4, the reduction of soluble contactin-2 ectodomain could be analysed because a reduced length of the DEA extraction was used. BACE1 expression in the lysate and the BACE1-specific cleavage product APPsβ served as internal controls. (B) Quantification of (A) of Sez6, L1, CHL1 and contactin-2 (CNTN2) is shown for six independent experiments. As positive control, the APP family and as negative control N-Cadherin and PTPRF were included in the analysis. Figure source data can be found with the Supplementary data.