A) Quantitative PCR data indicate TBX2 gene expression is suppressed, while senescence factors, CDKN2A, CDKN1A, and caveolin-1 are induced in the lungs of patients with COPD compared to lung tissue from normal smokers. Fifteen normal, nine mild COPD, and six severe COPD samples were used for this analysis. The data is represented as Mean ± S.D. The data was analyzed using student's t-test for comparing mRNA expression in the respective groups. B) Representative Western blots showing suppressed TBX2, HDAC2, SIRT1 proteins and increased expression of CDKN2A, CDKN1A and caveolin-1 proteins in samples from patients with COPD. C) Densitometry analysis of Western blot data. Four normal, four mild COPD, and four severe COPD samples were used for this analysis. Densitometry analysis was carried out using image-J software. The data is represented as Mean ± S.D. The data was analyzed using student's t-test for comparing protein expression in the respective groups. *represents a significance of p-value<0.01.