SV data for βLg A at pH 2.5 in 20 mM citric acid, 100 mM NaCl, and at 25°C. (A) Continuous c(s) analysis derived from SV data for βLg A at concentrations of (B) 5.3 μM (solid line), (C) 15.7 μM (dashed line), and (D) 33.4 μM (dotted line). The SV data and least-squares fits are shown in the bottom panels and the residuals in the top panels of B, C, and D. Statistics for the nonlinear least-squares fits: (B) RMSD = 0.005, runs test-Z score = 7.6; (C) RMSD = 0.006, runs test-Z score = 13; (D) RMSD = 0.005, runs test-Z score = 12. (E) van Holde-Weischet integral distribution plot for βLg A at pH 2.5 and concentrations of ∼5 μM (squares), 15 μM (circles), and 45 μM (triangles).