Table 3.
Pre-procedure indicators n (%)
Quality indicator sought in the report | (n = 250) |
Consent documentation | 250 (100.0) |
Management plan for anticoagulation1 | 1 (0.5; 95% CI: 0.0-1.5) |
Previous GI colonoscopy date1 | 24 (14.0; 95% CI: 8.7-19.2) |
ASA classification | 0 (0) |
Previous polyp resection | 20 (12.7; 95% CI: 7.4-17.9) |
Details available | 5 (25.0; 95% CI: 4.2-45.8) |
1-2 tubular adenoma < 1 cm | 2 (33.3; 95% CI: 0.0-87.5) |
3-10 tubular adenoma > 1 cm | 1 (16.7; 95% CI: 0.0-59.9) |
10 adenomas | 1 (16.7; 95% CI: 0.0-59.9) |
Sessile adenoma > 2 cm | 1 (16.7; 95% CI: 0.0-59.9) |
Usually documented elsewhere, but not in the endoscopy report. ASA: American Society of Anesthesiology; GI: Gastrointestinal.