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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2012 Jul 20.
Published in final edited form as: AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2001 Oct 10;17(15):1455–1466. doi: 10.1089/088922201753197123

Table 4.

MHC Alleles and Microsatellite Genotypes of Indian and Chinese Origin Rhesus Macaques IVAG Inoculated with SIVmac251

Ancestral country Animal no. Rhesus MHC alleles Microsatellite locus genotypea

Mamu A*01 Mamu B*01 D7S794b D17S804 D7S513 D3S1768 D13S765 D11S925 D6S291 D6S276 D6S1691 D10S1412 D18S72 D16S403 D8S1106
India 27762 124/128b 118 189/207 209/221 216/224 308 204 225/235 197 157/163 308/330 168 164/172
28209 + 120/128 118 197/211 193/229 208/236 308/330 200/214 233/235 197/203 163 306/330 168 144/152
28336 + 108/124 114/118 195/207 205/225 224/228 312/330 204 221/235 197/213 160 306/328 156/158 152/156
28349 + + 108 118 187/205 217/221 232/236 310/330 206 225 213/221 157/163 306/308 164/168 160/164
28418 + 120/124 118 189/203 193/217 224/228 308 204 227/235 197 157/163 306 156/174 140/144
28549 124 118 187/219 205/229 212/224 308/312 206/214 233 199 157 308 164 144/152
27307 + 120/124 118 195/207 213 224/232 312/330 204/206 215/227 177/197 157/163 310/324 152/168 160
29058 + 128 118 197/203 225 208/224 312/338 206/214 225/231 197/209 157 306 164/174 144/152
31167 128 118 187/189 201/213 224/236 312/342 206/214 225/235 197 157/163 306/308 164/168 144/160
31168 + 120/128 118 191/203 213/221 216/232 308/338 206/208 221/235 197/215 157/166 306/308 156/158 148/168
22162 108/124 118 203/207 205/221 208/232 308/338 206/214 205/221 197/203 157/160 306/314 164/170 144/172
22237 108/128 118 195/207 201/205 212/220 312/330 204 227/235 195/197 157/160 302/328 144/164 132/144
22990 128 118 187/207 201/225 224/228 330 206/212 225/233 191/197 157/163 308/330 152/164 144/168
23657 + 128/136 118 187/207 225/229 224 338 206/214 233 199/211 157 306/308 164/168 148
23737 + 124/128 118 219/233 201/225 232/260 308/338 204/206 235/237 195/201 157/160 306/308 156/168 152/156
24185 108/128 118 205/211 205/217 228/260 308/312 204 221/225 205/213 157/163 306/328 164 144/160

3/16 7/16

No. of allelesc 5 2 11 9 9 6 6 9 14 4 8 8 10
Most common alleled (freq.) 128 (13/32) 0.41 118 (31/32) 0.97 207 (7/32) 0.22 225 (6/32) 0.13 224 (10/32) 0.31 308 (10/32) 0.31 204 (12/32) 0.38 235 (8/32) 0.25 197 (14/32) 0.44 157 (17/32) 0.53 306 (13/32) 0.41 164 (11/32) 0.34 144 (9/32) 0.28
Freq. 11/16 0.69 1/16 0.06 16/16 1.00 14/16 0.88 15/16 0.94 12/16 0.75 10/16 0.63 13/16 0.81 12/16 0.75 11/16 0.69 13/16 0.81 12/16 0.75 14/16 0.88

China 31403 124/128b 106/114 189/207 213/221 220/232 330/332 204/206 211/215 197/217 154/157 316/320 166 144/152
31404 112/124 108/118 207/219 221/225 220/236 344/350 204/206 211/227 197/211 160 312/314 158/186 160
31424 ND ND 124 118 177/207 185/189 224/228 308/312 202/218 223/237 211/217 157/160 312/326 140/152 144/148
31426 128 114 198/297 205/217 220/228 328/332 204/206 225 209/211 157/163 316/332 142/156 156/160
31427 ND ND 128 120/126 199/217 197 228/264 328/330 204 231 177/203 157 312/316 156/160 148/160
31428 ND ND 108/128 118/122 205/207 209 224/272 328/330 208/222 223/227 177/213 157 308 152/166 148/160
31405 124 114/122 195/209 213/221 220/232 330/332 204/206 211/215 197/217 154/157 316/320 166 144/152
31406 + 124 114/122 193/199 185/213 220/224 328/332 208/216 211/213 195/213 160 312/320 150/172 160
31409 124/128 114 191/207 201/217 220/224 308/310 204/206 211 201/205 154/163 306 158/160 144/156
31410 108/128 114/120 199/211 185/229 232/236 320/324 204 223/229 203/205 154/160 314 142/158 152/156
31415 108/128 114/118 193/197 193/213 200/224 322/330 202/214 211 207 157/160 318/324 142/166 144/160
31433 124/132 112/122 199/209 205/221 264/268 312/348 202/204 211 207/209 157/172 312/336 158/162 140/160
31436 128 108/118 205 185/201 224/228 330/332 200/202 211 193/199 157 310/322 144/166 144
31437 124 116 189/193 209/217 228 312/348 200/204 223 203/211 154/157 312/318 146/162 148/152

0/10 1/10

No. of allelesc 6 9 13 12 9 12 9 9 13 5 12 13 6
Mostd common allele (freq.) 124 (12/28) 0.43 114 (9/28) 0.32 207 (6/28) 0.21 185, 213, 221 (4/28) 0.14 220, 224, 228 (6/28) 0.21 330 (6/28) 0.21 204 (11/28) 0.39 211 (12/28) 0.43 211 (4/28) 0.14 157 (13/28) 0.46 312 (6/28) 0.21 166 (7/28) 0.25 160 (9/28) 0.32
Freq. 7/14 0.50 10/14 0.71 13/14 0.93 11/14 0.79 13/14 0.93 14/14 1.00 12/14 0.86 7/14 0.50 13/14 0.93 9/14 0.64 11/14 0.79 12/14 0.86 11/14 0.79

Abbreviation: ND, Not done.


As detected with heterologous human primers.


Each locus is designated as for human microsatellite marker locus; alleles at each locus are designated by a number indicating mobility of PCR product on a polyacrylamide gel; two numbers separated by a slash (/) indicates a heterozygote; a single number indicates only one allele, which is most likely a homozygote; alternatively, a null allele could also be present.


Number of alleles observed in all animals from one ancestral country.


Allele (or alleles) that are most frequently detected in animals from one ancestral country. The number of alleles over the total number of alleles (2 × number of individuals for diploids) is given in parentheses. Animals for which a single allele was detected were inferred to be homozygous and, thus, were assumed to carry two copies of the same allele.


Frequency of heterozygous animals (i.e., two different alleles detected) at each locus defined as: the number of animals heterozygous at a locus over the total number of animals.