Figure 6. Pre-existing and elicited IgG responses to ERV-K Env SU and TM proteins in Indian rhesus macaques.
Baseline and week 35 sera from each group were tested in ELISAs using HERV-K Env SU and TM proteins (84% identical to SERV-K sequences). A) ELISA titers: defined as the dilution at which OD600nm = 1.0, a value falling consistently within the linear range at 40% of the typical plateau value. B) Fold-change in ELISA titer compared to the baseline titer. Closed circles indicate the response to HERV-K Env SU, whereas open circles indicate the response to HERV-K Env TM. Medians are indicated. Statistical significance was determined for: titer data by log-transformation followed by ANOVA then Student’s t-tests; fold-change data by Kruskal-Wallis analysis then Mann-Whitney tests.