Figure 3. Incorporating Uaas into mCherry.
(A) Structure of Uaas. (B) LWA1563 (LWA1560 with wlEx13[unc-54∷OmeRS_rpr-1∷ + pRF4(rol-6)]) showed very little fluorescence in the absence of OmeY. (C) LWA1563 grown with 5 mM OmeY showed strong mosaic activation of the mCherry reporter in muscle cells. (D) LWA1564 (wlEx35[unc-54∷DanRS_rpr-1∷ + pRF4(rol-6)]) showed no fluorescence in the absence of Uaa. (E) LWA1564 grown with 1 mM Ala-DanAla dipeptide showed strong mosaic activation of the mCherry reporter in body wall and vulval muscles. All images are confocal Z stacks and representative of each genotype. Dashed lines indicate worm outline. Animals were grown in liquid culture for 1 generation and imaged at young adulthood.