Figure 6.
Math5 and Pou4f2 overlap transiently in expression during RGC development. Immunofluorescence labeling was performed on E14.5 Math5HA/HA sections with anti-HA (red) and anti-Pou4f2 (green) antibodies. Math5HA is restricted to the neuroblast layer and Pou4f2-positive cells are seen in both the neuroblast layer and the GCL. A’–C’ are high magnifications of the boxed areas in A–C. Dotted lines in A’–C’ mark the boundary between the neuroblast layer and the GCL. In the neuroblast layer, essentially all Pou4f2-positive cells were also Math5HA positive (some indicated by white arrowheads), whereas some Math5HA-positive cells were Pou4f2-negative (indicated by brown arrowheads). The double positive cells are in a transition stage from competent progenitor cells to fate-committed RGCs.