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. 2011 Nov 14;2:10.3402/ejpt.v2i0.7995. doi: 10.3402/ejpt.v2i0.7995

Table 1.

Consensus criteria of prolonged grief disorder proposed for DSM-V (Prigerson et al., 2009)

A. Event criterion: Bereavement (loss of a loved person).
B. Separation distress: The bereaved person experiences at least one of the three following symptoms that must be experienced daily or to a distressing or disruptive degree:
 1. Intrusive thoughts related to the lost relationship.
 2. Intense feelings of emotional pain, sorrow, or pangs of grief related to the lost relationship.
 3. Yearning for the lost person.
C. Cognitive, emotional, and behavioral symptoms:
The bereaved person must have five (or more) of the following symptoms:
 1. Confusion about one's role in life or diminished sense of self (i.e., feeling that a part of oneself has died).
 2. Difficulty accepting the loss.
 3. Avoidance of reminders of the reality of the loss.
 4. Inability to trust others since the loss.
 5. Bitterness or anger related to the loss.
 6. Difficulty moving on with life (e.g., making new friends, pursuing interests).
 7. Numbness (absence of emotion) since the loss.
 8. Feeling that life is unfulfilling, empty, and meaningless since the loss.
 9. Feeling stunned, dazed, or shocked by the loss.
D. Duration: Diagnosis should not be made until at least six months have elapsed since the death.
E. Impairment: The above symptomatic disturbance causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning (e.g., domestic responsibilities).
F. Medical exclusion: The disturbance is not due to the physiological effects of a substance or a general medical condition.
G. Relation to other mental disorders: Not better accounted for by Major Depressive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, or Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.