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. 2011 May 12;2:10.3402/ejpt.v2i0.5864. doi: 10.3402/ejpt.v2i0.5864

Table 4.

Hierarchical multiple regression analysis predicting acute stress disorder symptoms in bank robbery victims

Variable B SE β t p
(Constant) Step 1a 38.62 5.00 7.73 .000
 Age −.19 .11 −.14 −1.71 .090
 Gender 8.84 2.71 .27 3.26 .001
(Constant) Step 2b 36.04 5.37 6.71 .000
 Age −2.29 .13 −.21 −2.22 .028
 Gender 8.42 2.78 .26 3.03 .003
 Prior robberies .79 .60 .12 1.33 .186
 Life changes 1.79 1.49 .10 1.20 .233
 Prior traumatic exposure 3.16 1.02 .24 3.08 .002
(Constant) Step 3c 26.55 4.91 5.40 .000
 Age −.13 .11 −.10 −1.16 .249
 Gender 5.53 2.47 .17 2.24 .027
 Prior robberies .59 .53 .09 1.12 .264
 Life changes 2.21 1.32 .13 1.68 .096
 Prior traumatic exposure 1.80 .91 .14 1.99 .049
 Proximity to robber .02 2.42 .00 .01 .995
 Perceived helplessness 12.35 2.31 .38 5.35 .000
 Perceived life threat 11.83 2.94 .28 4.02 .000
(Constant) Step 4d 58.00 8.29 7.00 .000
 Age −.09 .09 −.07 −1.08 .284
 Gender 1.54 1.83 .05 .84 .403
 Prior robberies .55 .40 .08 1.38 .170
 Life changes 1.04 .96 .06 1.08 .282
 Prior traumatic exposure 1.02 .68 .08 1.50 .137
 Proximity to robber 1.99 1.77 .06 1.12 .263
 Perceived helplessness 6.27 1.77 .19 3.54 .001
 Perceived life threat 5.68 2.25 .14 2.53 .013
 CSS POS −.24 .21 −.07 −1.13 .262
 CSS NEG .39 .65 .04 .59 .555
 CSS SATISFAC 1.40 1.17 .08 1.20 .233
 Perceived safety −5.29 .50 −.62 −10.61 .000

Abbreviations: 1=women; 0=male; N=152, age (n=150); CSS, Crisis Support Scale; CSS POS, positive social support; CSS NEG, feelings of being let down; CSS SATISFAC, social support satisfaction.

Note: aStep 1: F(2,147)=5.72, p=.004, adj. R 2=.06, F=5.72, p=.004.


Step 2: F change(3,144)=5.61, p=.001, adj. R 2=.14, F=5.87, p=.000.


Step 3: F change(3,141)=16.95, p=.000, adj. R 2 =.36, F=11.24, p=.000.


Step 4: F change(4,137)=33.10, p=.000, adj. R 2=.66, F=25.35, p=.000.