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. 2012 Mar 23;12:234. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-12-234

Table 1.

Details of study populations

Study name Study Type (Cohort name) Study period Age (Mean) of participants Sex (Male (%)) Primary outcome(Disease) Location Study size(N) Race/ethnicity (%) Average follow up(years) Total Events Method for eGFR (< 60 ml/min/1.73m2)
Atta, 2006 [8] Cohort 1995-2004 42.8 58 HIVAN MD, USA 263 96(B) 8.0 36 MDRD
Buskin, 2009 [9] Cohort 1996-2003 36.5 HIVAN USA 59705 6.2(W) 3.5 5042 MDRD
Campbell, 2009 [10] cross-sectional 1998-2005 -- CKD BT, UK 3439 NR -- 81 MDRD
Crane, 2007 [4] Cohort(UWHIV) 2001-2006 41 83 Kidney dysfunction WA, USA 445 61(W) -- 51 CG
Crum-Cianflone, 2010 [11] cross-sectional 2004-2005 41 92 Kidney dysfunction CA, MD, USA 717 48.7 (C) -- 22 MDRD
13.4 (O)
Deti, 2010 [7] Cohort(ANRS CO3) 2004-2008 43 75 CRF France 2613 NR 3.4 MDRD
Franceschini, 2006 [12] Cohort 2000-2002 40 69 ARF NC, USA 705 66(AA) 3.0 serum creatinine
Franey, 2009 [13] Cohort 2004-2007 36 31.2 RI South Africa 2189 NR -- 287 MDRD
Ganesan, 2010 [14] Cohort (P) 1986-2008 29 92 CKD USA 4044 45(AA) 6.5 90 MDRD
Heffelfinger, 2006 [15] Cohort 2000-2003 -- -- RI USA 11362 NR 724 serum creatinine
Horberg, 2010 [3] Cohort(KP) 2002-2005 43 86.1 Tubular dysfunction CA, ML, VA, USA 1647 24.5(B) 2.0 MDRD
Ibrahim, 2010 [2] Cohort(KCH) 1999-2008 37 62 ARF SL, UK 2556 55.4(B) -- 184 MDRD
Jacobson, 2007 [16] Cohort(MACS) Proteinuria USA 1203 (B) 120
Jones, 2004 [17] Cohort(CWS) Renal dysfunction UK 4183 NR 1175 serum creatinine > 120
Krawczyk, 2004 [18] Cohort(HOPS) 1992-2002 43 82.5 CRF GA, USA 6361 43.8(W/NH) 108 --
Longenecker, 2009 [19] Cohort(P) 2004-2007 41 68 CKD CA, USA 554 42(AA) 5.0 CKD-EPI
Lucas, 2007 [20] Cohort(ALIVE/JHHC) 1988-2005 37 68 ESRD/RRT MD, USA 6255 (AA) 5.7 221 MDRD
Mocroft, 2010 [21] Cohort(EuroSIDA) 2004-2008 43 75.1 CKD Europe, Israel, Argentina 85.5(W) 3.7 225 CG
Reisler, 2005 [22] Cohort(MACS) 2003-2004 -- -- CKD USA 1470 NR 53 MDRD
Roe, 2008 [23] Cohort (R) 1998-2005 35.9 64 ARF SEL, UK 2274 64(B) 8.0 130 MDRD
Szczech, 2002 [24] Cohort(WIHS) 40 -- 2059 71.4(B) 671.0 double serum creatinine
Vanig, 2008 [25] Cohort (R) 2006-2007 -- 94 CKD USA 375 NR MDRD
Wei, 2003 [26] Cohort(P) 37.6 93.2 HIVAN NY, USA 44 (AA) 44

Study group1 Study group2

Study description Sample size (n1) Event1 Incidence(per 1000py) Study description Sample size (n2) Event2 Incidence(per 1000py) HR/RR/OR 95% CI

Study name
Atta, 2006 [8] ART -- 26 -- Treatment naïve -- 10 -- 0.3 0.09, 0.98
Buskin, 2009 [9] Indinavir Treatment naïve 1.15 1.02, 1.29
Ritonavir Treatment naïve 0.87 0.77, 0.98
HAART Treatment naïve 0.3 0.27, 0.34
Campbell, 2009 [10] Age > = 50 years(Indinavir) -- -- Age < 50 years -- -- 4.92 1.31, 18.4
Indinavir/per year 1.29 1.00, 1.65
Age > = 50 years(Tenofovir) Age < 50 years 5.42 1.71, 16.8
Crane, 2007 [4] Age (30-40) years Age < 30 years 0.9 0.2, 3.2
Age (40-50) years Age < 30 years 2.1 0.6, 7.6
Age > 50 years Age < 30 years 4.4 1.1, 17.2
(NRTI)Didanosine (NRTI)lamivudine/emtricitabine 3.1 1.40, 6.80
PI(Amprenavir/fos-amprenavir) NNRTI (efavirenz) 3.6 1.00, 12.5
Crum-Cianflone, 2010 [11] Age/10 year increase 1.99 1.22, 3.24
Tenofovir/per year 1.54 1.10, 2.15
Deti, 2010 [7] Age/10 year increase 2.2 1.8, 2.6
CD4 < 200 cells/mm3 CD4 > 500 cells/mm3 4.04 2.3, 7.1
Tenofovir/per year 1.4 1.1, 1.8
Franceschini, 2006 [12] CD4 < 200 cells/mm3 CD4 > = 200 cells/mm3 4.7 2.5, 8.8
Franey, 2009 [13] CD4 < 100 cells/mm3 CD4 > 100 cells/mm3 1.4 1.07, 1.82
Age > 40 years Age < 40 years 4.65 3.54, 6.10
Ganesan, 2010 [14] Age > = 35 years Age < 35 years 2.6 1.7, 4.0
CD4 < = 200 cells/mm3 CD4 > = 500 cells/mm3 6.8 3.0, 15.5
CD4(201-349) cells/mm3 CD4 > = 500 cells/mm4 4.3 2.3, 8.1
CD4(350-499) cells/mm3 CD4 > = 500 cells/mm5 2.4 1.3, 4.6
Heffelfinger, 2006 [15] Tenofovir Treatment naïve 1.5 1.1, 1.9
Horberg, 2010 [3] Tenofovir 964 Non-Tenofovir 683 5.23 2.08, 13.1
Ibrahim, 2010 [2] Age/10 year increase 1.04 0.87, 1.24
Indinavir Treatment naïve 1.81 0.53, 6.76
Tenofovir Treatment naïve 1.06 0.46, 2.43
Atazanavir Treatment naïve 1.05 0.20, 5.49
CART Treatment naïve 1.11 0.54, 2.30
CD4(201-350) cells/mm3 CD4 > 350 cells/mm3 1.56 0.97, 2.48
CD4(101-200) cells/mm3 CD4 > 350 cells/mm3 2.08 1.11, 3.91
CD4(51-100) cells/mm3 CD4 > 350 cells/mm3 6.38 3.18, 12.78
CD4(0-50) cells/mm3 CD4 > 350 cells/mm3 10.29 5.11, 20.98
Jacobson, 2007 [16] HIV 94 Non-HIV 26 5.1 2.9, 8.9
Jones, 2004 [17] Tenofovir 1058 84 Treatment naïve 0.22 0.07, 0.69
Krawczyk, 2004 [18] CD4 < 200 cells/mm3 200-349 cells/mm3 4.3 2.1, 8.7
HAART Treatment naïve 0.5 0.3, 1.0
Longenecker, 2009 [19] HIV 337 26 Non-HIV 230 2 6.5 1.5, 28.7
Age/10 year increase 1.34 1.02, 1.77
Lucas, 2007 [20] AIDS 1902 125 12.7 No AIDS 2607 51 4.7 2.7 1.9, 4.0
Age(30-49.9) Age < 30 years 1.5 0.7, 3.3
Age > = 50 years Age < 30 years 2 0.8, 4.7
AIDS 1902 Non-HIV 1751 5.1 3.5, 7.6
HIV 2607 Non-HIV 1751 2.3 1.5, 3.5
Mocroft, 2010 [21] AIDS No AIDS 2.22 1.14, 4.32
Age/10 year increase 1.54 1.31, 1.80
Tenofovir/per year 1.16 1.06, 1.25
Indinavir/per year 1.12 1.06, 1.18
Atazanavir/per year 1.21 1.09, 1.34
Lopinavir/r per year 1.08 1.01, 1.16
Reisler, 2005 [22] HIV 32 Non-HIV 21 2.5 1.4, 4.5
Tenofovir Non-Tenofovir 2 0.8, 4.9
Roe, 2008 [23] CD4 < 100 cells/mm3 CD4 > 200 cells/mm3 6.75 2.5, 18.3
CD4(100-199) cells/mm3 CD4 > 200 cells/mm3 3.02 0.99, 9.13
AIDS No AIDS 6.7 3.4, 13.3
Szczech, 2002 [24] CD4 < = 200 cells/mm3 CD4 > 200 cells/mm3 3.57 1.72, 7.14
Vanig, 2008 [25] Tenofovir 253 Non-Tenofovir 122 1.83 1.11, 3.02
PI Non-PI 1.27 0.84, 1.91
Wei, 2003 [26] ART Treatment naïve 1.51 0.37, 6.20
CD4 < = 100 s cell/mm3 CD4 > = 100 cells/mm3 2.73 0.82, 9.14

A, Asian; AA, African-American; B, Black; EA, European American; H, Hispanic; NH, Non-Hispanic; L, Latino; NB, Non-b lack; PI, Pacific Islander; NA, Native American; AN, Alaska Native; W, White; O, Others; MD, Maryland; NC, North Carolina; WA, Washington; GA, Georgia; SL South London; SEL, Southeast London; BT, Brighton; NR, Not Reported; NA, Not Applicable; Sr, Serum; R, Retrospective; P, Prospective; WIHS, Women's Interagency HIV Study; UWHIV, University of Washington HIV; ALIVE, AIDS Link to the Intravenous Experience; JHHC, Johns Hopkins HIV Cohort; KP, Kaiser Permanente; MACS, Multicentre AIDS Cohort Study; CWS, Chelsea and Westminster; HOPS, HIV Outpatient Study; KCH, Kings College Hospital; ANRS CO3, National agency for AIDS research Aquitaine Cohort; MDRD, Modification of Diet in Renal Disease-an equation to estimate GFR that incorporates serum creatinine, age, sex and race; CG, Cockcroft-Gault equation to estimate GFR that incorporates serum creatinine, age, sex and weight; CKD-EPI, Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration-an equation that take into account serum creatinine, age, sex and race.

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