Table 1.
Alcohol Use Categories
Category | Description |
1 = Lifetime abstainers or ex-drinkers | Lifetime abstainers: respondents who reported never drinking alcohol during adolescence, never drinking alcohol as an adult, and not drinking in the past 12 months. Ex-drinkers: respondents who at Wave 1 and/or Wave 3 indicated they drank alcohol but have not drunk any alcohol in the past 12 months. |
2 = Light drinkers | Respondents who report drinking in the past 12 months but have only 1 or 2 drinks at a time and have never been drunk and never engaged in binge drinking. |
3 = Moderate drinkers | Respondents who report drinking in the past 12 months (typically drinking 3 or more drinks at a time), but have never been drunk, and never engaged in binge drinking. |
4 = Infrequent heavy drinkers | Respondents who report drinking infrequently (3 to 12 times) in the over the past 12 months but report being drunk and/or binge drinking. |
5 = Occasional heavy drinkers | Respondents who report drinking more frequently (2 or 3 days a month up to 1 to 2 days a week) over the past 12 months and have been drunk and/or engaged in binge drinking. |
6 = Frequent heavy drinkers | Respondents who report drinking frequently (3–7 days a week on average) over the past 12 months and have been drunk and/or engaged in binge drinking. |