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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2012 Jul 24.
Published in final edited form as: Pain. 2010 Dec 15;152(3):498–506. doi: 10.1016/j.pain.2010.10.017

Table 1.

Characteristics of strokes in subjects with hemi-neglect. Columns as labeled. ’The right column summarizes the results by the thermal pain submodality as indicated by the words Hot or Cold, as labeled.’ The type of abnormality of thermal extinction attention is indicated as follows: Extinction ratio (ext) for thermal stimulation on the left over both sides versus the right over both sides, Mislocalization (ML) proportion of mislocalized thermal stimulation with stimulus presentation on the left versus the right side or Misidentification (MI) proporteion of mislocalized stimulation on the left versus the right side. All strokes were on the right hand side and all symptoms were on the left. See Methods: tests of extinction. Abbreviation: AF – atrial fibrillation,, DM – diabetes mellitus, FAL – face arm leg, HBP – high blood pressure, hyperchol – hypercholesterolemia, MCA – middle cerebral artery.

Identifier Age, sex,
Stroke Other conditions Stroke signs Tests of Neglect & Extinction ratio Extinction (EXT),
(ML) & misidentification
(Mi) by subject
1:1 85, F, 14 (RN) Large MCA AF, HBP Left FAL weak
Clinical neglect
Bisect 32% cancel visual 86%. Hot, EXT 8/0 vs 8/8
Cold, EXT 8/8 vs 8/8
1:2 78, F, 12 Extensive chronic small
DM, hyper-chol,
Left sided
Bisect 27% cancel visual 45%. Hot EXT 8/5 vs 8/8
Cold EXT 8/6 vs 8/8
1:3 56. F, 13 New subcortical parietal &
extensive small infarcts
Cancel tactile 17 Clock 31%. tactile
extinct 2.25
Hot ML 8/8 vs 0/8,
Hot MI 8/8 vs 0/8.
1:4 37, F, 11 Large Watershed HBP, DM,
Left FAL
Clock 13% cancel visual 10. extinct
tactile 2.5.
Hot ML 6/8 vs 0/8.
1:5 71, F, 12 Large MCA HBP, hyperchol Left FAL
Bisect 19% cancel visual 20 tactile 14
clock 13. extinct tactile 8 visual 2.
Cold ML 8/8 vs 0/8,
Cold MI 7/8 vs 0/8.
1:6 26, F, 10 Large MCA DM, CRF,
Hemiparesis, Bisect 24% Cancel 39%. Cold ML 4/8 vs 0/10
Cold MI 4/8 vs 0/10.
1:7 75, M, Large MCA CHF FAL weakness,
Bisect 10%, cancel 13% extinct tactile 2 Hot ML 8/8 vs 0/8,
Cold ML 7/8 vs 0/8,
Cold MI 7/8 vs 0/8.
1:8 83, F, 14 Parietal hematoma
Cholecystitis AF,
polycystic kidney
FAL weakness,
Bisect 12% Clock 63%. Cold ML 6/8 vs 1/8,
Cold MI 7/8 vs 0/8
1:9 71, M, 12 Large ACA MCA HBP, DM, Gout FAL weakness,
Cancel 12% bisect 33. Cold ML 8/8 vss 0/8,
Cold MI 7/8 vs 0/8.