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. 2012 Jul 15;2012:405940. doi: 10.1155/2012/405940

Figure 3.

Figure 3

BAC pool screening using the Fluidigm Access Array. (a) shows assay AM25002 which was detected at a single BAC library address, specifically in Plate 1, row O, column 5 of Super Pool x no. 3 (SP3-1O5). (b) shows assay AM24655 which was detected at two library addresses in Super Pools no. 2 (SP2-2L18) and no. 4 (SP4-7K16). No template controls (NTC) are identified at the origin of each Cartesian graph. Genomic DNA of the amaranth cultivar “Plainsman” was used as positive control samples. Successfully amplified pooled BAC clones are circled with a dashed line and are identified as being either Column (C-), Row (R-) or Plate (P-) pools followed by the specific columns, rows or plates utilized in those pools. Pools without the target sequence fail to amplify and are found near the NTC.