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. 2012 May 4;13:165. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-13-165

Figure 1.

Figure 1

A. Alignment of the large chromosomes ofNatrialba magadiiATCC 43099 andHaloterrigena turkmenicaDSM 5511 using MAUVE 2. Prior to the alignment, the Nab. magadii genome sequence was rearranged to facilitate visual comparison. The Nab. magadii sequence was cut starting at 1961610 bp (located between Nmag_1929 and Nmag_1930, encoding putative GTP-binding protein and ORC1 replication initiation protein, respectively) until the end of the sequence and placed at the beginning of the fasta file so that the genome start was near the major origin of replication. Identically colored boxes, known as locally collinear blocks (LCBs), depict homologous regions in the two chromosomes. The edges of LCBs indicate chromosome rearrangements due to recombination, insertions, and/or inversions. Sequences of Nab. magadii inverted in relation to those of Htg. turkmenica are shown as blocks below the horizontal line. The vertical lines connecting the LCBs point to regions of homology among the two chromosomes. Numbers above the maps indicate nucleotide positions within the respective chromosomes. B. Synteny plot of the large chromosomes of Natrialba magadii ATCC 43099 and Haloterrigena turkmenica DSM 5511 generated by NUCmer. NUCmer was used with the maxmatch argument and the Nab. magadii genome sequence was rearranged as in Figure 1A to facilitate visual comparison. Regions of identity between the two chromosomes were plotted based on pair-wise alignments. Numbers indicate nucleotide positions within the respective chromosomes. Plus strand matches are slanted from the bottom left to the upper right corner and are shown in red. Minus strand matches are slanted from the upper left to the lower right corner and are shown in blue. The number of dots/lines shown in the plot is the same as the number of exact matches found by NUCmer.