Early pregnancy events in REAf/f and REAd/d mice: superovulation and implantation activities. A, Female mice for each genotype at 24 d of age were subjected to a superovulatory dose of the gonadotropins PMSG and hCG. Oocytes were then collected from their oviducts and counted. B, Follicular development of the ovary was assessed by histologic examination after treatment with PMSG only for 48 h. C, Formation of corpora lutea (CL) was assessed by histologic examination after complete superovulation treatment. Note the presence of numerous mature follicles and CL (indicated as arrow) in wild-type and mutant ovaries. D, Representative uteri from REAf/f and REAd/d mice at 5.5 dpc. Arrows indicate sites of implantation. E, Implantation sites were visually counted by the localized retention of Chicago Blue dye. PMSG, Pregnant mare's serum goandotropin; hCG, human chorionic goandotropin.