L-optimized pulse sequences for measuring aromatic 13C relaxation parameters. The pulse sequence of the R
1 relaxation experiment shown in the top panel is divided into two blocks that encode: a polarization transfer from 1H to 13C and the relaxation period; and d the 13C evolution period followed by polarization transfer back to 1H. The R
2 experiment is obtained by replacing block a with block b, and similarly the {1H}–13C NOE experiment is given by block c. The TROSY transfer sequence of block d can be substituted for the PEP-HSQC sequence given in block e. Each of the three relaxation experiments specified by blocks a–c can be combined with either of blocks d or e. Narrow (wide) filled bars represent 90° (180°) rectangular high power pulses. Grey wide bars in block b represent 180° rectangular CPMG pulses attenuated by 6 dB compared to the other hard pulses. Filled bell-shaped bars represent shaped pulses. Narrow bell-shaped bars on 1H represent EBURP2 shapes (bandwidth of 6.6 ppm, shifted 2.8 ppm upfield), while wide bell-shaped bars are i-SNOB-5 pulses (bandwidth of 2.7 ppm, shifted 2.5 ppm downfield). Wide bell-shaped pulses on 13C represent REBURP shapes (bandwidth 40 ppm). Pulsed field gradients (PFG) are indicated as grey open bars. Phases are x unless otherwise indicated. In all sequences τa = 1.5 ms and τb = 1.623 ms. The delay δ varies between blocks: in a, δ = 25 ms; in b, δ = 4 ms; and in c, δ = 10 ms. In all experiments echo/anti-echo selection were made during t1 by reversing ϕ3, GC, and the even-numbered increments of ϕrec. For every second t1 increment ϕ2 and ϕrec were incremented. Durations and strengths of the gradients are G1 = (1 ms, 10 G/cm); G2 = (0.5 ms, 8 G/cm); G3 = (0.5 ms, 12 G/cm); G4 = (0.5 ms, 16 G/cm), G5 = (0.5 ms, 18 G/cm), GC = (1 ms, −50 G/cm), GH = (0.5 ms, 25 G/cm). The phase cycling for the different experiments is: a + d and b + d, ϕ1 = (x, x, x, x, −x, −x, −x, −x), ϕ2 = (y, x, −y, −x), ϕrec = (x, −y, −x, y, −x, y, x, −y); c + d, ϕ2 = (y, x, −y, −x), ϕrec = (x, −y, −x, y); a + e and b + e, ϕ1 = (x, x, −x, −x), ϕ2 = (y, −y), ϕrec = (x, −x, −x, x); c + e, ϕ2 = (y, −y), ϕrec = (x, −x). The phase cycling within the CPMG block is (x, x, y, −y, x, x, −y, y) in b + e, and (y, y, −x, x, y, y, x, −x) in b + d. The phase of the shaped 1H pulse in middle of the CPMG block is x for CPMG block n and −x for n + 1