Figure 6. High Prevalence of Completed Transcripts Cleaved at the Polyadenylation Site in the Chromatin Samples.
(A) Normalized read distributions from the 5’ to 3’ end of all genes within each class are shown for each time point. Data from chromatin-associated transcripts were used and genes were normalized for length. Relative gene position is shown on the x-axis and cumulative reads at each relative position are shown on the y-axis.
(B) Cumulative read distributions spanning the polyadenylation site are shown for lipid A-induced genes. The x-axis shows the gene position relative to the polyadenylation cleavage site and the y-axis shows cumulative reads at each position.
(C) Read profiles are shown for chromatin-associated transcripts at the Il12b locus. Time points and scale are shown at the left and exon-intron structure of the locus is at the bottom. In the nucleoplasmic and cytoplasmic fractions, abundant exonic reads accumulated by the 60-minute time point (not shown).