S. epidermidis ATCC strains are distinguishable by biofilm phenotype when grown under flow. (A) Panels showing the fluorescence from WGA staining both before shear (0 h) and after 6 h of shear for 35984 (ica+, biofilmc), and 12228 (lacking ica, biofilm−). (B) Higher-magnification images (×40) illustrate the architectural differences between 35984 biofilms grown under different shear stresses. Higher shear results in streamer formation. (C) CLSM images (magnification, ×63) of 35984 biofilms after 12 h of shear indicate that these differences are enhanced over time (green, PIA). (D) Quantification of the subpanels in panel A, showing measurable differences in biofilm phenotype after 6 h. (E) Quantitative differences continue after 12 and 24 h of culture. 12228 decreases at high shear, indicating a release of cells from the surface, and maintains the initial inoculum levels at lower shears, while 35984 flourishes at all shear stresses.