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. 2012 Aug;78(16):5473–5482. doi: 10.1128/AEM.00468-12

Table 1.

Studies of the potential role of QS in spoilage

QS study QS signal response based on the bioassay performeda Reference(s)
Meats and meat products
    Enterobacteriaceae strains isolated from vacuum-packed chilled meat C6-3-oxo-HSL, C6-HSL Gram et al. (38, 39)
    Meat extracts and isolated Enterobacteriaceae strains from chilled stored vacuum-packed meat C6-3-oxo-HSL, C6-HSL Bruhn et al. (11)
    Food samples (e.g., beef, chicken, and turkey products [AI-2-like activity]) Borated AI-2 Lu et al. (70)
    Pseudomonad and Enterobacteriaceae isolates from aerobically chilled stored proteinaceous raw foods Medium- and long-side-chain AHLs Liu et al. (67)
    AHL signals during storage of aerobically chilled stored ground beef C4-HSL, C6-3-oxo-HSL, and undefined AHLs Liu et al. (67)
    Aeromonas hydrophila strains isolated from meat C4-HSL Medina-Martinez et al. (78)
    AHL production of Yersinia enterocolitica strains in fresh beef and pork extracts C6-3-oxo-HSL, C6-HSL Medina-Martinez et al. (79)
    Poultry meat-derived fatty acids as inhibitors of AI-2 Borated AI-2 Widmer et al. (135)
    Survival and virulence gene expression of E. coli O157:H7 in the presence of AI-2 and ground beef extracts Borated AI-2 Soni et al. (116, 117)
    Ground beef-derived fatty acids as inhibitors of AI-2 Borated AI-2 Soni et al. (116, 117)
    Cell extracts from minced pork stored aerobically at 5 and 20°C Short-, medium-, and long-side-chain AHLs, AI-2 Nychas et al. (86)
    Pseudomonas fragi isolated from fresh and spoiled meat Borated AI-2 Ferrocino et al. (30)
    Production of quorum-sensing signals by E. coli O157:H7 strain in meat broths (beef and pork) AI-2 activity Silagyi et al. (110)
    Lactic acid bacteria isolated from minced beef packaged under modified atmospheres AI-2-like activity Blana et al. (5, 6)
    Detection of AHL in bean sprouts stored at 5°C Broad range of AHLs Gram et al. (39)
    AI-2-like activity in fresh foods (tomato and carrot) AI-2 activity Lu et al. (70)
    Extracts from commercial bean sprouts C6-3-oxo-HSL Rasch et al. (99, 100)
    Enterobacteriaceae, pseudomonads, and Vibrionaceae strains isolated from commercial bean sprouts C6-3-oxo-HSL, C10-3-oxo-HSL, C10-3-hydroxy-HSL, C4-HSL, C6-HSL, C8-HSL, C10-HSL, and undefined AHLs Rasch et al. (99, 100)
    Presence of AI-2-like activity in cell-free supernatants of eggplant, squash, tomato, pepper, cucumber, potato, and carrot AI-2-like activity Lu et al. (71)
    AHL production of Yersinia enterocolitica strains in lettuce and cucumber extracts C6-3-oxo-HSL, C6-HSL Medina-Martinez et al. (78, 79)
    AHL production of Aeromonas spp. in a food system of broccoli, parsley, and spinach C4-HSL Medina-Martinez et al. (78, 79)
    Production of quorum-sensing signals by E. coli O157:H7 strain in spinach broth AI-2 activity Silagyi et al. (110)

HSL, homoserine lactone; AHLs, N-acyl homoserine lactones.