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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2013 Oct 1.
Published in final edited form as: Oral Oncol. 2012 Apr 21;48(10):923–937. doi: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2012.03.025

Table 1.

Site specific (Head and neck cancer) QOL measures

Measures Validity Reliability Format (Number, scale, administration options) Interpretability
Frequency (Of 710 studies) Content Criterion Construct Internal consistency Test-retest Inter-rater Structure Responsiveness in HNC patients Translations
AQLQ102 3 X X X X Items: Not reported
Scale: Mixed format: 2, 3, 4, and 7 pt Likert type
Dimensions: physical functioning, symptoms, social functioning, psychological functioning, well-being; Also contains single overall life satisfaction item
Scoring: no global score
Time frame of assessment: not reported
EORTC QLQ-H&N3537 244* X X X Items: 35
Scale: 4 pt Likert type for all but 5 items (yes/no)
Dimensions: Seven scales: pain, swallowing, senses, speech, social eating, social contact, sexuality
Scoring: Scores transformed to 0–100 scales
Time frame of assessment: past week
FACT-HN40 86* X X X Items: 11 (module) and 27 (FACT-G)
Scale: 5 pt Likert type
Dimensions: physical, functional areas of performance, social functioning, relationship with physician, emotional well-being
Scoring: Global and domain/module score (module score range 0–48)
Time frame of assessment: past 7 days
FACT-NP103 * X X X X X Items: 16 (module) and 27 (FACT-G)
Scale: 5 pt Likert type
Dimensions: physical, social/family, emotional, and functional well being and nasopharyngeal carcinoma subscale
Scoring: domain score – sum of NPC subscale – range 0–64
Time frame of assessment: past 7 days
FSCI44,45 3 X X Items: 15
Scale: 5 pt Likert type
Dimensions: 3 subscales: emotional, social, and appearance
Scoring: subscale scores and total skin cancer index score, standardized score range 0–100;
Time frame of assessment: At present moment
FSH&N-SR104 1 X X Items: 15 + free hand item
Scale: 5 pt Likert type
Dimensions: 12 symptom categories: upper body mobility, chewing, swallowing, drooling, taste, dry mouth, eating, speech, breathing, appearance, pain, fatigue; items include an overall QOL item
Scoring: scores range from 15–75
Time frame of assessment: past week
H&NS105 1 X X X Items: 13
Scale: 5 pt Likert type
Dimensions: eating/swallowing, speech/communication, appearance, head and neck pain
Scoring: Global and domain score, score range 0–100
Time frame of assessment: past 4 weeks
HNCI43 8 X X X X Items: 30
Scale: 5 pt Likert type
Dimensions: Four domains: speech, eating, aesthetics, social disruption, an overall QOL item
Scoring: score range 0–100; domain, functional, attitudinal sub-domain scores, no global score
Time frame of assessment: past four weeks
HNQOL41 27 X X X Items: 20
Scale: 5 pt Likert type, yes/no
Dimensions: eating, communication, pain, and emotion
Scoring: Domain scores
Time frame of assessment: past 4 weeks
MDASI-HN42 2 X X X X Items: 9
Scale: 11 pt Likert type
Dimensions: Swallowing/chewing, mucus, taste, voice/speech, mouth/throat sores, teeth/gum issues, choking/cough, constipation, diarrhea, hair loss, skin issues
Scoring: To be used in conjunction with the 13 MDASI core and 6 interference items
Time frame of assessment: past 24 hours
Parotidectomy QOL Survey50 1 Xf Not reported Items: 8
Scale: 7 pt ordinal scale, first item with multiple answer choices, 1 freelance item
Dimensions: Assesses frequency, duration, degree of bother, size of affected area, daily activity interference, and frequency of worry/concern caused by abnormal sensations around the ear or neck after parotidectomy
Time frame of assessment: since surgery, past month
QLQ - Rathmell46 1 Not reported 1 Not reported Items: 13
Scale: 4- 5 answer categories
Dimensions: Items on pain frequency/severity, eating ability, mouth dryness, taste, appetite, weight loss, speech, energy level, work, social contact, state of mind, physical appearance
Time frame of assessment: past week
QOL-NPC47 1 Not reported X Items: 30
Scale: Linear 11 pt scale
Dimensions: Four domains – physical, psychological, social, side effect
Scoring: Domain scores
QOL-Thyroid51,52 2 X X Items: 30
Scale: 11 pt-ordinal scale
Dimensions: Physical, psychological, social, and spiritual subscales evaluating QOL of thyroid cancer patients. A different version of the instrument evaluates the impact of thyroid hormone withdrawal on patients' perceived changes in QOL.
Scoring: Mean scores, subscale scores, reverse anchor scoring for some items
Time frame of assessment: During illness and treatment
SNOT-22106 2 X X X Items: 22
Scale: 6 pt Likert type
Scoring: Total score range: 0–110, lower scores denote better QOL
Time frame of assessment: past two weeks
University of Frankfurt QLQ48 1 Not reported Not reported Items: 31 (17 main)
Scale: 6 pt Likert type
Dimensions: assesses patients' beliefs, hopes and expectations, satisfaction with care, physical and psychological symptoms, relationships
Time frame of assessment: past 2–3 weeks
University of Liverpool QLQ49 1 X Not reported Items: 10
Scale: Mixed format: 5 and 10 pt Likert type, yes/no
Dimensions: communication, diet, social activity, physical functioning, appearance, emotional function, relationships, treatment regret
Scoring: Total score range: 0–100
Time frame of assessment: past 4 weeks
UWQOL38,39 142 X X Items: 12 + 3 general questions and a multiple choice item on most important issues
Scale: 3, 4, 5, and 6 pt Likert type
Dimensions: Twelve domains: pain, appearance, activity level, recreation, swallowing, chewing, speech, shoulder function, taste, saliva, depression, anxiety
Scoring: Composite scores for physical function and social function (score range 0–100) and domain score
Time frame of assessment: past 7 days
VHNSS107 1 X X X Items: 28
Scale: 11 pt Likert type
Dimensions: Five subscales: nutrition, pain, voice, swallow, and mucous/dry mouth
Scoring: Global and subscale scores
Time frame of assessment: past week

Abbreviations: AQLQ, Auckland quality of life questionnaire; EORTC QLQ-H&N35, European organization for Research and treatment of Cancer questionnaire head and neck module; FACT-HN, Functional assessment of cancer therapy – head and neck module; FACT-NP, Functional assessment of cancer therapy – nasopharyngeal module; FSCI, Facial skin cancer index; FSH&N-SR, Functional status in head and neck cancer – self report measure; H&NS, Head & Neck Survey; HNC, head and neck cancer; HNCI, Head and Neck Cancer Inventory; HNQOL, University of Michigan head and neck QOL questionnaire; MDASI-HN, MD Anderson Symptom Inventory – Head and Neck; Pt, point; QOL, quality of life; QLQ, quality of life questionnaire; QOL-NPC, Quality of life for nasopharyngeal carcinoma; SNOT-22, Sinonasal outcome test – 22 item; UWQOL, University of Washington quality of life questionnaire; VHNSS, Vanderbilt head and neck symptom survey

Structure: F, Factor analysis, I, Item analysis. Unless otherwise indicated, higher scores indicate better QOL; Empty spaces indicate absence of property or lack of published information on property; Xf - face validity


Frequency counts for the general and specific EORTC instruments (QLQ-C30 and QLQ-H&N35) and FACT instruments (general, head and neck, and nasopharyngeal) were grouped together because they are often utilized together.

Cronbach's alpha for FACT-HN was low at 0.59,

U Liverpool QLQ underwent comparative validation with the FACT-HN)