Table 5.
Symptom Specific (Disfigurement) QOL measures
Measures | Validity | Reliability | Format (Number, scale, administration options) | Interpretability | ||||||||
Frequency (Of 710 studies) | Content | Criterion | Construct | Internal consistency | Test-retest | Inter-rater | Structure | Responsiveness in HNC patients | Translations | |||
DAS2489 | 1 | X | X | X | X |
Items: 24 Scale: Likert type Options: Self |
Dimensions: general self-consciousness of appearance, sexual and bodily self-consciousness of appearance Scoring: Total score (short form), Higher scores denote more distress; Comparative norms available |
I F |
X | X | ||
FaCE88 | 1 | X | X | X | X |
Items: 15 Scale: 5 pt Likert type |
Dimensions: Six domains: social function, facial comfort, facial movement, oral function, eye comfort, lacrimal control Scoring: Global and domain scores, transformed score range 0 to 100 Time frame of assessment: past week |
F | ||||
NAFEQ90 | 1 | X | X | X |
Items: 14 Scale: 5 pt Likert type Options: Self and observer rated |
Dimensions: Two parts: 7 items on nasal function (airway passage, snoring, olfaction, dry mucosa, epistaxis, and phonation) and 7 items on satisfaction with nasal appearance; includes an overall assessment item in each part Scoring: Subscale scores (range 7 to 35) |
F |
Abbreviations: DAS24, Derriford Appearance Scale – short form; FaCE, Facial clinimetric evaluation scale; HNC, head and neck cancer; NAFEQ, Nasal appearance and functional evaluation questionnaire; Pt, point; QOL, quality of life
Structure: F, Factor analysis, I, Item analysis. Unless otherwise indicated, higher scores indicate better QOL; Empty spaces indicate absence of property or lack of published information on property.