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. 2012 Jul 20;(209):235–253. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.209.3247
Darwin Core Class Terms included in Darwin Core file
Record-level Terms dcterms:modified, basisOfRecord, institutionCode, collectionCode, source
Occurrence catalogNumber, recordedBy
Event eventDate, year, month, day, verbatimDate, fieldNotes
Location country, countryCode, stateProvince, locality, verbatimLocality
Identification identifiedBy, identificationRemarks,
Taxon taxonID, scientificName, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species, vernacularName, taxonStatus, taxonRemarks
Non-Darwin Core Terms –ScrapedName records the scientificName for the organism observed as entered by Henderson and transcribed by us.-AnnotatorName records the corrected ScrapedName as recorded by the annotators. The annotators had the option of leaving this field blank, in which case we use the ScrapedName as the AnnotatorName.–Both ScrapedName and AnnotatorName were fed through a taxonomic resolution process (see Methods, section “Proofing the Darwin Core record set”). Three taxonomic resolvers were used for some of the records: the Global Names Index (GNI), the Encyclopedia of Life (EOL) and the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS). The resulting identifiers and best-matched scientificNames are provided for all three services; additionally, our ITIS service returned vernacular names, which are also recorded. The Source of correct name field indicates whether EOL, ITIS or Both services were returned the correct name.-canonicalScientificName is the scientificName with the authorship information deleted.-AnnotatorLocality: Annotators were asked to provide a corrected, modern place name for the verbatimName; these are recorded here.-Higher taxonomy (kingdom, phylum/division, etc.) were only extracted from ITIS for records where the ITIS name was correct. The taxonID field contains the ITIS Taxonomic Serial Number (TSN) used to look up the higher taxonomy; the scientificName from TSN field contains the scientific name that ITIS associates with that TSN.