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. 2012 Mar 29;38(4):661–671. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbs050

Table 1.

Characteristics of Studies Reporting Adverse Childhood Events in Psychosis included in the Meta-Analysis

Source Project Sample Size Age (y) No. of Cases No. of Controls Cases Age Controls Age
Case-control studiesa
    Friedman and Harrison11 (United States) 35 20 15 30.8 31.9
    Convoy et al12 (Czech Republic) 200 100 100 33.3(m); 43.4 (f) 36.4 (m); 38.1 (f)
    Furukawa et al13 (Japan) GLADS 337 225 112
    Agid et al14 (Israel) 152 76 76 42.5 41.7
    Dell' Erba et al15 (Italy) 114 54 60 32.7 33.4
    Giblin et al46 (UK) 32 14 18 77.7 73.4
    Fennig et al17 (Israel) 60 40 20 18.1 18.1
    Morgan et al18 (UK) AESOP 781 390 391 30.5 37.3
    Weber et al19 (Germany) 63 42 31 32.6 40.3
    Rubino et al20 (Italy) 484 174 310 43.1 37.4
    Cohen et al21 (United States) 302 198 113 61.5 63.0
    Fisher et al22 (UK) AESOP 428 182 246 31 39
    Husted et al23 (Canada) 147 79 68 51.8 49.6
    Bartels-Velthuis et al24 (The Netherlands) 212 60 152
    Evans25 (UK) 60 29 31 27.7 23.7
    Heins et al26 (The Netherlands) GROUP 499 272 227 28.1 32.3
    Varese et al27 (UK) 65 45 20 42.7 39.5
    Daalman et al28 (personal communication) 100 124
    McCabe et al29 (Australia) ASRB 675 408 267 40.7 39.27
    Prospective cohort studiesa
    Mäkikyrö et al30 (Finland) NFBC 11017
    Janssen et al31 (The Netherlands) NEMESIS 4045 41.4
    Spauwen et al32 (Germany) EDSP 2524 21.7
    De Loore et al33 (The Netherlands) YHCSL 1129 15.1
    Schreier et al34 (UK) ALSPAC 6437 12.9
    Arseneault et al35 (UK) E-RISK 2127
    Cutajar et al36 (Australia) VPCR 5436 33.7 2759 2677
    Wigman et al37 (The Netherlands) TRAILS 2149 13.6 217 1834
    Cross-sectional studiesa
    Murphy et al38 (United States) 391
    Ross and Joshi39 (United States) 502 45.2
    Whitfield et al40 (United States) ACE 17337 57
    Kim and Kim41 (Republic of Korea) 1672 15.7
    Shevlin et al42 (United States) NCS 5877 32.2
    Shevlin et al43 (United States) NCS 5782
    Houston et al44 (United States) NCS 5877 32.02
    Kelleher et al45 (Ireland) Challenging Times 211 14 197
    Nishida et al46 (Japan) ESPAT 4894 13.3
    Shevlin et al47 (United States) NCS-repl 2353 44.35
    Harley et al48 (Ireland) Challenging Times 211
    Bebbington et al49 (UK) APMS 7298
    Van Nierop et al50 (The Netherlands) NEMESIS-II 6250 384 5866

Note: ACE, Adverse Childhood Experiences Study; AESOP, Aetiology and Ethnicity in Schizophrenia and Other Psychoses; ALSPAC, Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children51; APMS, Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey; ASRB, Australian Schizophrenia Research Bank; EDSP, The Early Developmental Stages of Psychopathology; E-RISK, Environmental Risk Longitudinal Twin Study; ESPAT, Epidemiological Study of Psychopathology of Adolescents in Tsu; GLADS, Group for Longitudinal Affective Disorders Study; GROUP, Genetic Risk and Outcome in Psychosis; NCS, National Comorbidity Survey; NEMESIS, The Netherlands Mental Health Survey and Incidence Study; NFBC, Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort; TRAILS, Tracking Adolescents’ Individual Life Survey52; VPCR, Victoria Psychiatric case register, Police Surgeon's Office and Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine Institute; YHCSL, Youth Health Care Division of South Limburg (Maastricht).


Please note study type was defined on the base of how the included articles analyzed the data; for instance, a longitudinal study analyzing data in a cross-sectional manner was deemed as ‘cross-sectional’.