Figure 3.
Co-cultures of (A) U2OSor (B) MG63 cells with mouse myofibroblast cells were submitted to double FISH detecting human chromosome X (green) and mouse chromosome 8 (red). DNA is visualized by DAPI staining (blue). Co-culture of U2OS cells with mouse myofibroblast cells show a pair of fused cells containing two copies of hCX and mC8. (A) Additionally, non-fused U2OS cells were observed, which contain two copies of hCX, and non-fused PMEF cells, which contain two copies of mC8. (B) Co-culture of MG63 cells with mouse myofibroblast cells shows four fused cells contained both hCX and mC8. Non-fused MG63 cells contained only one copy of hCX and non-fused mouse myofibroblast cells contained two copies of mC8. One fused cell containing two copies of hCX is shown.