Figure 2.
Expression of Gnas transcripts during adipocyte differentiation. Quantitative reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction analysis of Gnas transcripts Gsα (A), XLαs (B), and Nesp (C) in fat pad-derived adipose stromal cells from Gsα+/p− and WT mice on days 1, 3, and 7 after induction of adipogenesis. **, p < .01 and *, p < .05. Three independent experiments used cells from three WT and three mutant mice (analyzed individually, in triplicate) for each experiment. Abbreviations: Gsα, guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(s) subunit alpha; Nesp, neuroendocrine secretory protein of mol. wt. 55,000; WT, wild-type; XLαs, guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(s) subunit alpha extralarge isoform.